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NavKal - (Professional Edition) - 1 year
Product Number NavKalPro
NavKal - (Professional Edition) - 1 year - Parent Part

NavKal™ is an Electronic Control Module (ECM) programming software for Navistar® & MaxxForce™ Engines. NavKal has two available options – NavKal and NavKal Pro.

The following programming changes are only available to be performed by an authorized International or IC Bus dealer:
  • Emission Changes Involving Emissions Label Replacements
  • Horsepower Upgrades
  • Engine/Exhaust Brake Additions
  • Engine Replacement Programming
  • Component Serial Number Updates

*** The product key is good for one year. Product keys are not renewed or extended after the license has expired. A new product key must be purchased annually in order to continue using this product.***


Delivery Type:
ToolTip Combination Not Valid.
To buy, select Delivery Type.

Applicable to:
08 Electrical , 12 Engine Systems , Engine Software

Prior to installation, a product key must be obtained for each computer on which the software is to be installed. Product keys expire after a year and must be purchased annually.

Software Installation

  1. Click here to download the software.
  2. Open the downloaded executable file.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Read through the License Agreement. When finished, click I Agree to proceed with installation.
  5. When installation is complete, the final page of the wizard is displayed. Click Finish.
  6. Right click on the Desktop Icon
  7. Open file location
  8. Locate application file and right click
  9. Run as administrator
  10. Enter the product key obtained for this computer and then click OK.
    • If the key was not entered correctly (or there is some other problem), an error message will be displayed. Refer to Installation Error Messages for more information. Resolve the issue indicated before proceeding.
  11. Screen will appear asking if you are a new or existing user.

New Users

  1. The Registration window appears. Fill in the user’s information. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*). Once registration is completed successfully, Click OK. An email will be sent to the address provided on the registration form. Follow the instructions provided in this email to complete the registration process. When finished, click OK in the window shown below.

IMPORTANT: You MUST change your password by following the instructions provided in the email before proceeding. The default password cannot be used to log into the application. Passwords can be reset at http://password.navistar.com.


Existing Users

IMPORTANT: Please check to ensure your password has not expired prior to authenticating the software.

  1. The User Authentication window appears. Enter your username and password, then click OK.

Once you are logged in for the first time, the software will start and begin to update itself.

NOTE: The software program will not function until the user has successfully logged in at least once while connected to the network. The user may need to consult with the technical computer support staff if the program cannot connect to the Navistar site.

Any product key in the Navistar Service Software suite can generate five CYY user IDs. Only the administrator of the product key, that is the first installer of the key, can create the additional user ID’s from the program.


Launching Software

To launch your software, do one of the following:

  • Double click the software icon on the Windows desktop.
  • In the Windows Start Menu, select Programs > (Software Name) > (Software Name).

The User Authentication window appears. Enter your username, password and click OK.

  • Windows 7
  • 1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2 or better
  • 2GB (32-bit) or 4GB (64-bit) of RAM
  • 300MB of available hard disk space
  • 1024 x 768 resolution monitor
  • One or more RP1210A compatible communication devices with SAE J1708 and/or SAE J1939 support
Recommended Adapters
  • NEXIQ Technologies® – USB-Link™, USB-Link™ 2
  • Dearborn Group Technologies – DPA4+, DPA5+
  • Noregon® Systems, Inc. – DLA+ 2.0, DLA+ 3.0 (USB and Wireless)
Communication Link Drivers
  • Navistar developed software uses standard RP1210A drivers for communication. The drivers are specific to the communications device and are not installed with Navistar developed software.
  • I63BX / DT 466: 3 Box I6 (1994 - 1997)
  • V83BX / T444E: 3 Box V8 (1994 - 1997)
  • i308 / DT 466: DLC I6 (1998 - 2004)
  • T444E: DLC V8 (1998 - 2004)
  • I313 / DT 466 and 570: DLCII I6 (2005 - 2006)
  • V128 / VT 365: DLCII V8 (2005 - 2006)
  • V126 / VT 275: DLCII V6 (2005 - 2006)
  • MaxxForce 5 (2007-2009)
  • MaxxForce 7 (2007-2009)
  • MaxxForce 7 (2010-2012)
  • MaxxForce 7 (2013-)
  • MaxxForce DT, 9, 10 (2007-2009)
  • MaxxForce DT, 9, 10 (2010-2012)
  • MaxxForce DT, 9, 10 (2013)
  • MaxxForce 11, 13 (2008-2009)
  • MaxxForce 11, 13 (2010-2013)
  • MaxxForce 15 (2010-2013)
  • N9, N10 SCR (2014-)
  • N13 SCR (2015-)
  • International A26 SCR (2017) - Will be removed shortly. Please use Service Diagnostics Solutions (SDS) for this engine.
This product can be found in the following kits:
NAV-NED-DLB  NavKal Pro, NED and DLB Software Bundle (Electronic Delivery)
NavKal Pro, NED and DLB Software Bundle (Electronic Delivery)
NavKal-Pro - 1 Year - NavKal™ is an Electronic Control
NED-NAV-HeRo  NED, NavKal Pro, and HeRo Software Bundle (Electronic Delivery)
Navistar Engine Diagnostics, NavKal Pro, and HeRo Software Bundle

*** Buy the Software bundle: NavKal™ Pro and NED So

Product and price information are subject to change without notice.